Sol y viento episodio 8 : ¿Qué dice el corazón?

PrólogoEpisodio 1Episodio 2Episodio 3Episodio 4Episodio 5Episodio 6,Episodio 7Episodio 9

Junior Detective María Sánchez is sifting through piles of Carlos’ forged documents, shaky business deals, and sales offers when the man of the hour steps in. While María assumes that all these documents track Carlos’ trickery, he’s pretty sure that he was just doing what he had to do. And besides, “Since when did you become so interested in the inner workings of Sol y viento, sis? I’ve always had to deal with this stuff by myself.”

María: “Hey, I trusted you, bro. I wouldn’t have dreamed that you were into dirty dealings with filthy, lying capitalist pigs like that…that slightly dreamy Señor Talavera…er…anyway…you aren’t the only one tied to these lands. So yes, while I agree that you’ve had a lot of responsibility as the admistrador of the winery…you’ve been a bad one. I say good day to you, sir.”

Carlos: “Slow down there, girl. Let’s not be too hasty. You know, you and I can still make some cash money on this deal.”

María: “Esta tierra no está a la venta…¡ni yo tampoco! Unless it involves a remolino.”

Meanwhile, don Paco takes an oddly involved interest in Jaime’s resume. But after reading it over thoroughly, all he can say is “University of California.” But that’s okay, he doesn’t really have any power to hire Jaime anyway. But the now jobless American isn’t so much concerned with that at that moment, rather he wants to get to that awesome wine-testing festival that Sol y viento is hosting. Apparently he was left off the guest list. Don Paco remedies the situation.

Speaking of the big event, María decides to celebrate it by telling her mother that Carlos is double-crossing, lawbreaking filth. “See, Mom, here are the documents to prove it.” Deudas, deudas y más deudas. Though she made sure to find out that mom has no ill feelings towards her for not going into the wine business first, before exploding the fraternal bomb. Happy wine festival, mamacita!

Mom has Yolanda track down Carlos and she hashes it out with him at pop’s grave.

Mamacita: “I know everything…except where all the money went.”

Carlos: “I invested it in a bunch of tech companies that went bad. Gosh, what do you think I am? Stupid? So I was just going to sell off the winery to pay the debts. Was that wrong?”

Mamacita: “Carlos, your dead father and I agree. Either I’m going to call the police on you or you’re going to have to renounce all ties with Sol y viento and disappear.”

Carlos: “I guess I’ll go…but first I’ll shed some unconvincing tears at Papá’s grave.” (Carlos sobs.)

End scene.

At the party, don Paco tries to put in a good word for Jaime with María. “I think he’s genuinely sorry and he could really help around this place. I mean…he went to the University of California! And hey, I know that you’re normally a cold, brainy booksmart girl who can’t think for herself…but at times we have to listen to our heart. ¿Qué dice el tuyo?

Only one episode left. The suspense is killing me.

11 responses to “Sol y viento episodio 8 : ¿Qué dice el corazón?

  1. Pingback: Sol y viento episodio 9 : Endings, beginnings, and the messy stuff in the middle | The Spanish Dilettante

  2. Pingback: Sol y Viento Prólogo (con subtitulos en español) | The Spanish Dilettante

  3. Pingback: Sol y viento : episodio 1 (con subtitulos) | The Spanish Dilettante

  4. Pingback: Sol y viento (episodio 2) : Jaime’s Turbine of Amor | The Spanish Dilettante

  5. Pingback: Sol y viento (episodio 5) : Carlos cries, Jaime lies, and María flies | The Spanish Dilettante

  6. Pingback: Sol y viento episodio 7 : Sunstroke Epiphany | The Spanish Dilettante

  7. Pingback: Sol y viento episodio 6 : All the cats are out of the bag | The Spanish Dilettante

  8. Pingback: Sol y viento (episodio 4) : Romance/Bromance, Let’s Go For a Ride | The Spanish Dilettante

  9. Hahaha, I’m here studying for my Spanish final tomorrow and I am so glad I came across this website. Thank you so much for your hilarious translations of this story, it really brightened my day.

  10. Sandry Brumels

    I know that this is post is now 5 years old, but let me tell you: it’s still saving lives. I have to write to a paper on Sol y Viento and this website has saved me hours of blood, sweat, and tears. Because of you I will possibly make it out of this semester with my sanity intact. Needless to say, I have shared this website with all of my friends in the class.