Sol y viento : episodio 1 (con subtitulos)

PrólogoEpisodio 2Episodio 3Episodio 4Episodio 5Episodio 6,Episodio 7Episodio 8Episodio 9


Episodio uno:

Our hero Jaime Talavera safely arrives in Santiago de Chile to do his masters’ bidding. There he’s quickly won over by working-class hero Mario “Verdejín” Verdejo (el mejor chofer de Chile), who whisks him away to the exclusive Hotel Bonaparte…well, it’s a decent place to stay at any rate. However, none of this takes place before a little haggling over the fare (¿A cuánto sale?). Jaime notices along the drive, perhaps to his surprise, that Santiago is filled with people walking, talking, playing with their kids, etc.–as opposed to los Estados Unidos, where everyone drives around in SUVs and socializes in fitness clubs. After dutifully dropping off Señor Talavera at the front desk of the hotel, Mario earns the chance for a second fare (¿Ud. hace viajes fuera de Santiago?). The joyous Mario responds, “¡Claro que sí! Es mi autito, soy mi propio jefe…” And now the boys will be off for the muy lindo Valle del Maipo in the morning. Jaime’s spiritual awakening is just around the corner. I can feel it!

Meanwhile, after lightly tipping the bellboy, Jaime calls the pensive Carlos Sánchez to work some negotiating magic. Don Carlos is floored not only by the fact that Jaime is in Santiago, but he speaks español, too. All is here in the next installment of Sol y viento, the story of land, love, wine, and a textbook company’s attempt at an audio-visual supplement.

3 responses to “Sol y viento : episodio 1 (con subtitulos)

  1. Pingback: Sol y viento (episodio 2) : Jaime’s Turbine of Amor « The Spanish Dilettante

  2. Pingback: Sol y viento (Episodio 3) : Jaime Plays Hardball « The Spanish Dilettante

  3. Just so you know, as someone who had to work through this entire god-awful textbook, I think your summaries are really well done. They make the whole thing a little less painful. 🙂